Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Must Everything Just Change Overnight?

I'm in school now. Bored. First few to reach class. Today is maths lesson, i just hope i can concentrate. >< Yeah, faci is not here yet (: cool. I've seriously no mood to study today! Bored like hell. And i'm upset over some things! D: Okay, shan't talk much here. I hope things change back to how it used to be last time or rather a few days back. Will there still be chance? I wonder. But no matter what, i hope things changes back to the past, like how we used to be. I thought you were just kidding but never did i expect it to be real. Reality is really harsh and cruel. I hate it. Okay, class starts! D:

The faci today was super omg?! The more he talks, the more sleepy i'll feel, and i've got bad headache after he talk lah! Damn, i don't know why i'm feeling like this lah! -.- damn it. LOL!

Today's Lian birthday! HAAPPY BIRTHDAY! (: we bought cake and celebrated with her. Hohoho! I'm so happy. No presentation today i guess. LOL! ^^ I hope it's always like this. How nice can that be right? I seriously hate presentation. I'm so not used to doing presentation everyday lah. And i really really hate the system here -.- damn it. What has it got to do with our course?! I dont get it and i'm freaking upset. Whatever, i think i'm somewhat used to, but still nervous lah! xD I hope things goes smoothly.

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