Saturday, August 1, 2009

Party Girls Outing ! :D

First day of August today! :D

As usual, as today is a saturday, worked in the morning. (: Then went out with party girls in the afternoon. Olivia had lessons and we meet her at a much later time. Bought my bag and accompanied ShiJia to get her friend's present. Hahahaha! After that, had KFC with serena and shishu. Hmm, then we finish eating, shop around. Then went arcade, comics connection etc. and it was about time we leave to meet Olivia. :D Left for the train and met Olivia at JE's platform. Boarded the train, we trained to town. Been some time since i went to town and also meeting my friends! ROAR

Okay, we alighted at orchard mrt station and we went to shop at ION orchard. It's like another paragon. I find it bored. Firstly, there are loads and loads of people there. Secondly, all branded stuffs, how to afford. -.- Lastly, not much shops to shop around. After a short walk around, we went out of ION and we rested on this red bench outside. We then talked about food and branded stuffs. How to differentiate real and fake branded goods etc. Then we headed to Wisma Atria's food republic for lunch cum dinner. Olivia, shishu and me had TomYam with 2 cans of drink each, and Serena, she had desert. :D Her desert tastes awful. Hahaha! (: And we three were enjoying our TomYam. LOLOL! Talked about going to movies, but in the end, didn't go. Partly, reluctant to watch and secondly, shishu can't go home late. After that, i was already feeling a little moody, to be serious. Yeah, we then headed to arcade and Olivia topped up an amount of 5 bucks into the card. Then, we played photo hunt. My fave game in the arcade? :/ LOL! Yeah, then played basketball etc. Summarise everything in the arcade, *DON'T EVER GET ON TO OLIVIA'S CAR. SHE PROBABLY BRIBED HER INSTRUCTOR TO PASS HER* LOLOLOL!

Then we loitered around cineleisure(: Ate icecream, walked around. :D Blah blah blah. Did all those nonsense and soon, it was getting late. Serena have to go back home already. She wanted train, we wanted bus. Sorry serena. Hmm, then after that, serena decided to trained back herself. That's kinda dangerous. Asked her to text us when she reach home she somemore argue. Hahahah! Then Olivia, shishu and I went into 7 eleven get drinks and we proceeded to the bus stop. (: 174 arrived soon after. It's a double decked one. Luckily, there are seats above. Bused back to Jurong Point. Reached there about 9plus? Went to Yami Yogurt ! Hehheh! Long long time never eat it already. They are hiring part timers! :D LOLOL. Then we walked into those shops that have not closed shop because almost all the shops have end their day. Yeah, then we walked walked and time's up, shishu went home. I then accompanied Olivia to 7 eleven and she bought two cup noodles. One TomYam and one korean brand. (: She's so crazy over Korean! Argh. Then trained home. :D

* unhappy things happened. Don't wish to mention it. *
anyway, it's over already. No point talking about it.
But i'll always remember those bias-ness.

bye, earthlings;

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