Monday, April 26, 2010


Bored, am taking care of baby right now and he's sleeping. :) Hahah. He's so adorable that you can't bring yourself to ignore him. Haha. Cutie ass. Hmm, practically, i've wasted my day, taking care of baby instead of going out with mummy or going shop to help out. At least get to earn money hor? LOL. But when you work, you'll tend to want to slack. But when you've got nothing to do, you'll wanna work. Life is always like that. I've been writing this post for a damn long time due to taking care of baby and feeding him his porridge. Baby's porridge is exceptionally delicious and full of veg! ._. Hahah! But it's nice lah, so i'm eating his leftovers now. Yum yum, it's delicious. :)

Having final theory lesson this thursday with yeeling. After that, gonna meet supergirls out! So long since we last went out i guess. We're all busy with our own life. Those supposed to be schooling goes to school, those who are supposed to work goes to work. I'm the one who's supposed to work though. But working is frigging bored. Can't stand the days whereby i've to really work all day long. But sometimes it's fun i admit. Nevermind, let's just f0rget about working for now. Don't want to talk about it already! Cause i'm going to work soon. ): Don't know whether it's a good or a bad thing. Argh, okay lah, think i'll just take it as a good thing. Earn more money which is also my aim. :) HAHAHA!

Alright, have to get serious about babysitting already! Cause he's frustrated for i don't know what thing. HAHA. And he's messing the living room.

Alright, bye. :)

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