Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Love is like a beverage;

Today, went shopping with Joey LOVEE. Meet her under her block, and we bused to holland V. On our way there, there's this little girl, she's freaking naughty. You can't imagine how naughty she is. She sits on the floor of the bus, she hits her mother, she climbs high and low as if she's in search of something important, she poke her mother's face, she snatches her mom's wallet and handphone, she put her toes into her mouth, she stuff her fingers into her mouth, she stares at people, she sits roughly, she kicks the chair, she went down on the floor and crawl, she press the milk so hard, it dripped, she follows what people are doing, she pull her shirt until it is out of shape, she can't sit still, when she's supposed to get down, she went down on the floor again, her mom have to pull her down the bus. -.- Lastly, i think her mom don't even bother about her? Give up hope? Perhaps. I've never seen such a child before. Omfg, what is this world becoming into?!

The girl:

We reached Holland V already and we alight the bus. Walked around in search for the destination, can't find, cab down. Reached, had coldrock:D Freaking cool one. But the servings are to large, can't finish. I ordered Ferrero and cheesecake, mixed with oreo biscuits and hershey's toppings. Cost me ten bucks. The chair there has a swing and i'm like sitting on a swing, rocking here and there. COOL. Cam-whored. Heh. Eat until half, feel like vomiting :x But, the icecream is super uber nice one. It's just that the servings are too big.

Went to crystal jade as Joey and I was in search of something warm as we feel like vomiting. Had lamian, omfg, it's soooooooooo disgusting?! The soup is so sticky :x Lucky mine was better? We kind of shared and went out. Cannot take it. We feel so uncomfortable for the whole day. See until food, cannot take it. Don't feel like eating. Trained down to woodlands to meet blogshop owner to collect Joey's thingy. While waiting for the owner, we went into causeway and shopped. Waited for quite some time. Actually want to meet Serena for lunch, but didn't make it ): SORRAYE!! Waited and waited and finally, she arrived. Collected and trained down to Tiong Bahru. Alighted and proceeded to the bus stop. Bused down to Great World City. But, we took the wrong side, ended up at Bukit Merah Interchange. Wthzx. Well, it was raining so heavily and Joey's slipper have got no friction. She forgot and she almost slipped and fall when she alight. Luckily, there was a wall infront of her. If not the outcome would be undescribable manxz. Waited for bus at the interchange and bused down to Great World City:D Heh, never been there before. Called serena upon reaching. She came out and went to the loo :x HAHA! She went back to work and i went into the shop she's working to look for coloured envelope. Went evergreen and finally, found it! COOL! Shopped around with Joey, went to change stuffs and went to have dinner? LOL!:D It's freaking delicious, the only food which doesn't make me feel uncomfortable for the day. Went in, while waiting for our orders, saw kelvin cousin!:) Heh! The world is so small. LOL!

After dinner, went to find serena and went to shopped:D I didn't know she do shopping too uh. After her break, send her to work again and we went home! Cabbed home and we actually fell aslept in the taxi :x HAHA! Reached home and watched tv already! End of the day!


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