Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm left imagining;

Rise and shine. Mommy woke me up so early. I didn't have enough sleep, feel so sleepy. Bath, watch tv and aunty when to buy KFC. So long since i last ate KFC. On lappy and went online. LOL! Honey and Shishu was online. Talked to both of them and realise shishu was on MC. Takecare yea?:D Honeyyy and i was in search for blogskins. Want to change blogskin. Viewed so many but didn't really like it. Honeyyy showed me some and i find it quite nice. Spent hours for blogskin i guess. Finally, we found this blogskin and settled with this!(: Spend some time editting and stuffs. Heh. Changing blogskin with honeyy is oh so fun!! First time doing this. HAHA. We editted and honeyy always went dc-ed. Luckily she saved. Editted some pictures and went offline already.

Off to work. Wthzx, i'm super sleepy and stewpid dominic LION ask me to sleep while i'm working ah. Omg, he's gonna pay for the loss. HAHA. Neverminddddd. Worked and mommy had to go out at night with brother. Went and i'm left working with Huiying!:D Worked worked, mommy is back! Had chicken wings. Midnight, went home, and i'm here blogging! Text sean and he fell asleep i guess!:D HAHA! I'll never forget a fair pig who hate chinese! xD *get well soon!

To Honeyyy:
I know it's hard for you to get over all this things because you fall tooooo deep. I know, I understand how you feel. But you've to stand strong. Remember those things your friend said to you? I don't wanna mention here. You've to fight for your happiness too. I want you to stand strong and smile like nothing had happened before. You promised that that's the last text to him. It'd better be alright?! I don't want to see you cry, hear you cry anymore. You don't deserve to go through all these things that you're going through you know. Why waste your time like this? Perhaps, it was never meant to be right? CHEERUP!:D I'll be with you no matter what alright. Just like how you stand by me when i'm down. I miss those heart-to-heart talk with you. Although we haven't know each other for long, I guess this is fate? Fate brought us together and become honeyy, I guess. Takecare, ♥

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