Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Okie, firstly, poly life sucks to the extreme core. Wthszx. I hate poly life okay?! Damn. Presentation everyday. Omg, i don't see why must we do presentation everyday lah. It's so super no link one loh. Except training our communication skills. Wth loh. I hate presentations! But i've gotten myself great team mates, both yesterday and today. ^^ hahaha! They are all nice people. Really. Yesterday's problem is about those students whatever thing lah. Then today we had science class and it's about blood :D Yeah, it's pretty cool. I didn't know so much about blood. >< Hahaha! Webcam with shishu is so omgym one okay! She makes me laugh like some mad woman lah! Making all sorts of funny faces on the screen. Damn. My friend even asked me why i keep laughing. -.- I also don't know what to say but to show them the screen. LOL! Break is like doing work one and lunch, we had our lunch and back to class. I don't know what to comment. I just hate poly life.

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