Monday, June 1, 2009

Uneventful day!

Okay, i'm supposed to open shop in the morning and in the end, i overslept and was like super late. For an hour plus -.- goodness. Then, luckily was woke up by seokmin's phone call. If not it'll be worse. Yeah, and today, supposedly meeting darl and head to town for her phone and camera. In the end, some things or rather misunderstanding happen in between and yeah, we didn't meet up in the end. I'm sorry! I hope this won't affect our relationship alright? (:

Met up with shishu at 1plus? Wanted some lunch or something. Then we bused to town? -.- LOL! Okay, then we had beehoon on bus 174. It's a pretty long journey but with my phone with me, it isn't as bored. (: hahaha! Reached, we headed to far east plaza. It was already in the noon and we don't have much time to shop around. Went to ncore and stage to take a look at some stuffs? Shishu then bought the Let's Rock! Stay Real lanyard for 25 bucks? It's super pretty one. :D hahaha! I want to get that Stay Real hello kitty lanyard too, for 29 bucks? LOL! It's nice lah! (: yeah, i didn't buy it. Then we went shopping around.

I must say that I LOVE GREAT SINGAPORE SALES! (GSS) It's like freaking cool! (: hahaha! Everything that you buy, there's offer. Isn't that great? I'm going to make full use of this two weeks holiday for shopping manszx. Just couldn't resist the temptation. The clothes seems to be asking me to get them? LOL! Must be mad. Yeah, i get myself some clothes! <: It's like so cool. I love it!

Today, was 步金's last day already! It's kinda disheartening to see him leave lah. ): Never expect that he'll leave? It's like a shocking news for me! D: Yeah, we ate supper together. All the workers of 651, except mong, who can't make it just to catch his last train. D: He's going to be promoted the supervisor ^^ hahaha! I think he must be thrilled? :D LOL! Yeah, we ate those 煮炒. It's like so freakingly cheap? 36 bucks in total and including drinks, it's only 45 bucks? It's like less than a fifty! :O I expected some 100 bucks or something? After we ate, took some group photo! (: some individual one with 步金 and yeah we went home! Still have to work tmr morning. ^^ I don't want to see him leave manszx. It's so weird without him around. I miss the days i used to shocked him! LOL! xD Okay, anyway, just want to wish him luck in whatever that he do and also, happiness. :D We will all miss him i bet! (: just want to tell him, takecare.

Oh, and I am going to stay home tomorrow already. Mom have been complaining that i always go out. Hahaha! Stay at home also nothing to do one! xD

it's another month! (:

Will you be back by my side? :/

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