Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm just letting time pass like how water flows. ):

Few days since i last blogged.

Town with Joey assy. Hahah! Trained down to tiongbahru to meet her and we had burger king. :) Yum! Quite long since i last had burger king. I think the last time was with laogong at amk. But that's like months ago. LOL! Bused to lucky plaza. Then walked to far east plaza. Intended to shop for new year clothings but i've got this strong feeling that i won't get any clothes today. In the end i really didn't. I got myself a pumps which i've long wanted it already but just didn't get it, and a ripples slipper (i've been looking for a slipper and finally, i found it) i'm so happy when i saw it and bought it without third thoughts. *cause i've got a little second thoughts* LOLOL! And also got myself a bag! Oh gawd, it's gorgeous. I really like it. :) Navy blue. For new year! Yaye! In search for clothes but didn't really saw any one i like. ): Saw this lacy dress. It's pretty but the moment i have it tried on, omgszx! I look like a bitch! LOL! Who goes round seducing man! And therefore, the thought of getting it disappeared. Hahah.

Cabbed back to JP at about 5plus as i've to rush back to work. Shopped for a little while and we trained back to pioneer. Dinner-ed there and we had tomyam :) HOHOHO. Off to work and Joey back home.

A few things i've to get it done before chinese new year ;
- Get my messy messy closet packed.
- Get a few more new clothings for new year.
(although i can just wear some of my unworn clothes for new year)
- Spring clean my room! Gosh! It's getting real messy!
- Give darl all those books that she might need or want. (it's taking up my space!)
- Make up my mind in what i really want in life.
- Clear my basic theory test and lessons.

That's about all :)
Off to bed. Tata!~

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