Thursday, July 8, 2010


Alright, later we're going to have durian buffet as a family! :) Yaye. I wonder how's the buffet gonna be like. Heh. Seriously, I've never had a durian buffet before. HAHA. No harm trying. Omgszx, i'm so excited about later. Durian buffet! :D:D:D

Oh, i'm even more excited about my dress. Goodness. I hope it fits into my big body. LOLOL. Hmm, it's so pretty. I've been thinking about it every night. Hah, can it arrive at my doorstep quickly. I really hope the postman will ring the doorbell. :):) HAHAHA. Alright, that's about all about my excitements. I'm going to have my bath and out for durian buffet as a celebration for my brother's birdday! :D

OMGSZX, When i was about to post this post on my blog, i heard the postman sound, no doorbell = no dress sent. )): Argh. Nevermind, i shall wait. :)

Bye, off now. tata

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