Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tomorrow will be better! :)

Moody. How come no matter what, today just doesn't seems right? ;/ perhaps I'm just thinking too much? Everything is as good?

Alright, gotten back business law's results already. Was so nervous. Ran home from daddy's car to open the letter box just to retrieve MDIS's letter after work. Was praying for a pass. Luckily, I got a C! Results not that good, but at least I passed! :)

On the other hand, time to start worrying for IEC's results!!! It'll arrive in my letter box anytime. Oh dear, I don't have much confidence in both my business law and IEC. Therefore, I shall just hope for a pass and I'll be happy enough. :) *prays*

Okay, I've decided to actually go on a diet!! Time to cut down on my food already! Must persevere like how I used to a few years back! Haha!! This is really a test for me! I don't know whether I can do it or not cuz I've really been a pig lately. Hehe. :/ I'm going to cut down on my food intake!!! Rather starve to death and be slimmer than to eat and grow fat! HAHA.

Alright, time to wash up and go to bed! Want to quickly end today. :'(
Someone please make me smile!

Priscilla P.

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