Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday! :(

Today's really Friday the 13th.

Things got screwed up. Yes, everything. No matter what I do, things just doesn't goes right. Work was alright until last min when all the things got to be done! Pallets have to be called out for inspections, stock check, ensure delivery instructions. I thought I checked already but things still went wrong. I really don't remember I didn't arrange delivery for DFS until when I end work and supervisor asked me. I'm like is there any delivery?! In the end he got to help me settle it. Thank you! :)

Talked to bee on phone, things screwed up too. Sigh. Why is it always like that? :( is it that we are both too tired? Or is it due to some misunderstandings between us? I know my attitude have been quite poor recently, I'm sorry! But do bear with me okay? I'll try my very best not to throw temper at you. I know you're tired too. :( sigh..

Bee bought Laoban for family and he came down to fetch me from shop before putting Laoban at my house. After awhile, bee went home as he've go work tomorrow and it's those long hours. Poor boy. But we didn't spend much time together.. Didn't talk nonsense and shared how our day have been. I love you boy. ❤ forever and always. :)

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