Sunday, December 14, 2008

Spell me L.O.V.E;

Back again:D I'm slacking currently. Heh, bored to death you know. And i'm sick and tired of working already D: Awww, terrible. Can't really go out. Yeah, except for supper with bestie:D Late night out, i love. Cool, have been hanging out with her recently. Enjoying the night breeze, talking about how we feel to each other, having supper, walking under the blocks with no aim, singing, laughing and playing around like mad women when we're walking under the blocks and drinking coffee together, listening to songs and stuffs. Yes, you're the first person who i've hang out until soooo late, almost every night. HAHA!:D I want more of late night out. I hope we can remain like this forever <3

Yesterday, went gekpoh with bestie after work. Had oreo crush for 1.30bucks only! Lol. Cheapest one i've ever had before. Very nice. HAHA! We went into the shopping centre and there's this programme thingy. A lot of people were there and we shopped around. When to a shop that sells *ahem*. IT'S SOOOOO PRETTY:D We then continued shopping around and stuffs. Heh, cool. After that, nothing much to shop, we left and decided to walk. We are roaming around. We walked, stopped, play have fun, laugh, play songs and sit down. Was like some mad women. After the all the walk walk shop shop, we reached a place that we don't want to end up in. PIONEER MALL -.- We're there like almost every midnight okay! Damn lame.

I want to have beer! I want to have alcohol, currently craving for it sooo much. I don't know why too. Went to 7eleven, decided to try our luck and get some alcohol. HAHA! Actually we can buy one lah! Then in the end when we was about to pay, the cashier asked for our I/C. Tamade. I want to drink it soo much and yet i'm under 18. Wtfszx/ I'm going to get a lot a lot when i'm eighteen next year. Shitass. In the end we each bought coffee and went out to sit. Chatted and stuffs, for very very long. Hours spent. HAHA:D Nice. We took out calendar:D HOHOHO. Damn pretty. I swear for all my seventeen years of life, i've never had such a nice beautiful calendar. Moreover, it's free of charge you know!? Omg can't believe it mysself too. I'm going to use this calendar for next year. I love it to the max. To the extend that i bring it everywhere i go when i'm at home. Yes, might sound like some crazy woman but that's how much i love it okay. You'll never understand until you've gotten that calendar. I love it very very much. More than words can say. It's a feeling for it, that cannot be described. Okay, midnight already. Accompanied bestie home to pack her stuffs as she's going to sleepover at her cousin's house. Heh. Then after taking her things, left and we sat at the void deck, waiting for my dad. He says another 15mins. Waited for more than 15 mins, didn't come and decided to accompany her walk a short distance to her cousin's house. We parted D: Wait for my dad at caltex. The wait was like forever one. I don't see a sight of the freaking car. Decided to walk home instead. When i was reaching home soon, dad was behind me. Hopped on. When i'm alighting, idk what the heck happen, i fell on the curb there. Was like doing splits -.- Leg bleed and the other with sratches D: Damnit. Lucky thing was that i didn't lost my handphone. My whole phone went into the drain okay. I've got landyards to help save my handphone. HAHA:D Cool was lucky. Okay byebye[:

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