Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've yet to say byebye 2008, hello 2009!:D

I've not been going online for damn long already. I can't believe i can resist the temptation going online. Yes, this holiday and waiting for results thingy is sucky. I don't like. I've to work and work and nothing but work is around me. Bored. I miss school so much. Seeing students dressed in their uniform and i got the urge to study too! Roar. People who are studying, treasure the times you have in school and study hard. HAHA!:D If not you'll regret. Lol.

Okay, i've been MIA-ing for so long because my brother is using my lappy and ye, i've got no comp for the time being. Sigh. I'm like bored to death when i'm home but then i hardly have time at home. Lol:D I'm addicted to sewing doughnuts for my love ones:D HAHAH! I gave it to jiamin, mommy and gugu [: I'm still sewing for mamasan for bringing in money for me yea? haha! :D Okay, i've got this pad and cigarrette from mamasan already. Happy. I'm still wondering if she really got me pad. I've yet to open it yeah. But it's a good idea if she really gave me pad yea? haha! That'll be hilarious. Lol! The cigar was so real for god's sake. Please don't get me this kind of things okay! My dad thought it was real and he almost killed me you ass. But anyw, thanks a lot. I'm happy to have receive those things from you.

I'm at laogong's house now and i'm super angry with her. She's busy with her vip thingy okay! Angry with her. Ask her eat shit and die. I'm going to tell her later. Lol!
P/S: She's just beside me, staring at the comp. Lol!:D

Okay, idk what to blog already! Hahaha. Takecare people out there!:D Must continue coming to my blog okay?:D HAHAHA! I will love you for that. Lol! I MISS SCHOOOLLLLLLL!


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