Monday, June 22, 2009

Back in singapore yesterday. :D Hohohoh!~ Super miss all my friends, (:

Okay, went China's 海南岛. The wheather there is almost the same as Singapore's wheather. (; But this does not matter either. It's still fun down there. Went to some places to explore. Like example those brewery and stuffs, look at the procedure, those silk factories, coffee factories, botanic garden there and taste the teas there, etc. Sounds boring? But i personally feel that all this places are places that i might not have even been in if these few days i weren't there with them. Yeah, i admit it's indeed kind of boring but, it's still fun with the people there around. <: They made it fun and meaningful. Although we are strangers, but we became friends soon after. They are all friendly people. :D They are nice, kind and they make me laugh! :B

Days pass really really fast. I remember the first day there, i really can't wait to go back to Singapore. We had dinner and went back to the hotel. After that, we went KTV. Sang a one and only song. Was super paiseh one lah! LOL! It was a uncle's birthday, Deann's dad and we sang birthday song for him, both english and chinese version uh. Okay, after that, aircon sort of broke down and some of them cab-ed back to the hotel. My parents and I stayed awhile more and after that, went back to the hotel already. Yeah, bathed and went to bed. Woke up early the next morning, breakfasted and went to forgot where. Hahaha! After that, the last thing i would ever want to do is to return to Singapore. LOL, lame right? Okay, but i really had a fun time there with people there. They are awesome. Really awesome.

Played played and finally, last day already. Time to go to the airport and fly back to Singapore. WeiLin and I had fever on that day. Really scares. Cause if we were caught in the airport for fever all that, we'll most probably have to stay there and be quarantined. Yeah, so i was forced to drink loads and loads of water. Bottles and bottles! It's scary cause i hate water! LOL! Soon after, we took bus. Then after that, we check in our luggage and whatever stuffs, we waited for aeroplane. 坏人 bought sausage and evian's mineral water before i took my medicine. After that, plane arrived and it's time to go back! Feel very uneasy. I just want to throw up. That's all. Then, went onto the plane and still feeling nausea. Finally after a long time, finally throwed up. LOL! Wasn't feeling any better either. Reached Singapore, took luggage and we separated. D: cab-ed home. Happy to be home, unhappy to leave those awesome people! ♥

Goodbye people!~

Currently under quarantine. Won't be going anywhere for these few days. ): It's a torture being quarantined you know?! I don't like. It's either this or that within the four walls within the house. It's kind of boring okay? LOL! But, no choice. All of us have to be quarantined. (:

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