Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kidnap My Heart;

Take Me Away Cause Falling In Love Ain't Very Far;

Well well, i've changed my blogskin once again. I like it simple and nice. (: that's my taste. Perhaps some people out there might not like it, but i just love it. :D Hehheh. Once again, Xinyu caught my changing blogskin. Like everytime?!?! Gawdszx. It's too much of a coincidence man. LOL! But, it's just coincident. (:

Alright, as i'm quarantined today, i have to stay home for the whole day, which is oh so bored. :O ROAR. I'm like bored to death. Woke up, replied text messages and lie on the bed for awhile more before i took my bath. Had fried eggs and 豆花水 for breakfast cum lunch. (: After that, sat on the sofa, on the television and laptop and went online :D webcam-ed with Shishu and she was eating meepok. -.- again?! LOL! After that, HuiLi and Serena came online too and we had a conversation about the topic called, OVERSEAS! :D Cool yeah? Hahahah! We've already decided on what age we are going overseas together if possible, the destination, and our goal to save enough money for all the trips planned. LOL! We planned as if we're some rich kid who have infinity money with us. And like we have got all the free time in the world to travel around. But it's fun and if possible, we are going to stick to our plan. :D Well, my body is aching after sitting down for so long, facing the television and laptop. It's so no life lah. Omgszx, if i go on like this, i'm sure to become a zombie. LOL! Back aching, shoulders aching. Everywhere. Urgh.

Okay, i want to meet up with June Jiejie soon to go to 俐璇's Jiejie desert shop. :D Have yet to try it. LOL! I'm so excited to go there manszx. Sounds cool uh. But i don't know where is it so i have to wait for June Jiejie to bring me there. I miss the people whom we went China together. Spiderman, Superman etc. Aww, it's so bored without them. LOL!~ Like so bored cause when we were in China, we have got a lot a lot of things to do and some of the things, i have never tried them before. For example, the banana boat, it's super cool and exciting. I miss it. I want to get on the banana boat again! There's one thing i didn't try and can't try yet. It's the speed boat. ): wasted. But, still fun there uh. <:

Nothing more to blog. But my mind is in a confuse state right now. ): I don't know why. Splitting headache. D: grr.

Going to stop here,
Goodbye earthlings.

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