Monday, June 15, 2009

Memories Left In My Heart;

Today, didn't attend lesson. Have to collect passport at ICA. Have to wait for an hour or so. Yeah, decided to go to a nearby coffeeshop and have lunch with my brother :D cause he fetched me there to collect my passport. The chicken chop there is so frigging delicious one ! 8) Loved it after just having the first bite. It's heavenly! Went back to ICA and waited for my number, 8186~! Can buy 4D uh. After collecting it, it's like 4pm? Went bugis there to get lightbulbs and waited for sister. Trained home from bugis, went to meet Serena at JurongPoint for Yami Yogurt :D Heh, sounds lame but, i still enjoyed that moment. At least we meet up! (: Yeah, and we walked while having ice-cream. Haven't had that feeling for a long time already.

After that, went to work uh. Then met JiaMin Laogong for dinner. We had chicken rice. :D after that, we did the usual, camwhore ! <: hehheh. Long time since i last met Laogong already. LOL! I miss you <3

Walked home and when i reach the mrt station, saw HuiLan! :D hahaha! Coincidence do happen okay? (: Walked her to the bus stop and i left to meet SeokMin at the traffic light there. Walked home and we chatted below her block and after that, I went home to pack my stuffs for tomorrow's trip to China! :D hahaha! Love you, 恶心宝贝! <3

Okay, i'm leaving for China tomorrow. D: Yeah, for a week. So i'll most probably be back by sunday i guess. :D


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