Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today, auntie went back to phillipines. ): We send her to the terminal 2 in the noon and after that, she checked in and left. I guess she's very happy to leave for her hometown (: Hahaha! She'll get to see all her family members, her son especially. Hmm, she'll most probably be back in about a month's time. I hope this one month pass quickly. I miss her so much. At the airport after auntie left, mommy, daddy, sister and I walked around. I saw this cookie monsiee and sister saw a mickey mouse. It's uber cute lah (: Hahaha! Then sister ask me get that mickey for her. I didn't agree lah of course. Hahaha! Then we went to eat curry rice at kiliney's. It's nice but their attitude sucks to the max. LOL! After that, sister and daddy went swensen's to get ice cream cake for brother's birthday. Mommy and I went to watsons because mommy want to get something for herself. Then we met at coffee bean and i had iced latte as usual (: Hahaha! Before coffee bean, mommy and I went back to the shop with the plushies as daddy and sister was not ready yet. So yah, i bought the mickey for sister and I saw this cute pouch that is suitable for mommy and she bought it. After that, i think she good mood uh, she bought my cookie monsiee. LOL! :D Super happy. Thank you, mommy. It's been so long since you last bought this kinda stuff for me. (: I always get scoldings from you whenever i got another new plushie. Then we headed back home.
Sister and me slept our way back (: Hahaha! Cool. Then on the way, daddy and mommy went to get some medicine to brew. When they are away, i suddenly woke up and i started cam-whoring and i ended up getting those pictures above. :D LOL! Then we headed home. After awhile, sister and I left for 'friend's' house. Ate a little and we headed home. LOL! Was nagged at as usual? Okay, then i left with daddy to work and here i am with my laptop open, plucking in the USB internet cable, going online to chat and blogging!
Alright, i'm off to work already because, i punched card already! LOL!
Bye earthlings;

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