Tuesday, October 1, 2013


After so long finally i'm blogging again during my free time. Life's been pretty good to me recently. Currently enjoying my life right now. Actually I've got nothing much to rant though. Trying to look for a job that I'm interested in or study. But I don't know what course to take though! Sigh, such a tough decision to make. It's something that have been bothering me for super long but still I don't know what course I want to study. Okay, got to go for now! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Day!


Spent my national day with bee! Awesome! Went his house in the noon, slacked a bit and left house at about 3pm. Headed to gardens by the bay, cause I wanted to go there! :) there's not really a lot of people there and also, it's not as fun as I thought! Omg. There's not even a vending machine there ok. So if you're heading there, please don't forget your water bottles! Or else you'll die of thirst I swear. It's only the super trees that's quite pretty that's all. The place is quite big too for me. Cause I'm actually a person who's super lazy to walk around especially when nothing amuses me. So yah.. HAHAHAHA!

After that, headed to Amanda's house for steamboat at 6plus in the evening as she's celebrating her birthday in advance! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA POH!! :D

Bee send mum, sis and me home after that! Won $12 and I ran out to the living room and watch tv. Muahahaha. Evil me!

Enjoyed my national day after a few years of not celebrating! Yay! Awesome!

Lastly, my silly boy, I LOVE YOU. Forever and ever, only you. ❤

Monday, August 6, 2012

Random Monday!

Time flies. So fast and I've been working at LF for a month already. It's quite shocking how time passed. First week of August and hope everything turns out well. Work have been rather good and people there are quite nice to work with for as far as I know, and most importantly, I'm no longer a vase, though sometimes I still become one! But at least for now, I sort of know what I'm doing and what I'm supposed to do. So it's rather great!

Was sick last Friday, which is the 3rd of August. Got mc and rest! Boyfy have been having roadshows for almost all the weekends and which means lesser time for us to be together! But it's okay cause at least for now, I don't have to work at pioneer that often after my work at LF. So I tend to meet Boyfy after work on weekdays! Dinner and slack! ❤

Meet up with Boyfy today cause was suppose to meet him yesterday but cause I've to take care of Herman, I didn't went to meet him. Changed to today! We went town, then decided to go to csm. Super indecisive! And indecisive kills! Went csm and we had ajisen! My treat which means I don't have to treat him the next time! Woohoo~ hehe! Then head to Boyfy house, watched show and then slack, then Boyfy send me home! Thanks! Love you! <3

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday! :(

Today's really Friday the 13th.

Things got screwed up. Yes, everything. No matter what I do, things just doesn't goes right. Work was alright until last min when all the things got to be done! Pallets have to be called out for inspections, stock check, ensure delivery instructions. I thought I checked already but things still went wrong. I really don't remember I didn't arrange delivery for DFS until when I end work and supervisor asked me. I'm like is there any delivery?! In the end he got to help me settle it. Thank you! :)

Talked to bee on phone, things screwed up too. Sigh. Why is it always like that? :( is it that we are both too tired? Or is it due to some misunderstandings between us? I know my attitude have been quite poor recently, I'm sorry! But do bear with me okay? I'll try my very best not to throw temper at you. I know you're tired too. :( sigh..

Bee bought Laoban for family and he came down to fetch me from shop before putting Laoban at my house. After awhile, bee went home as he've go work tomorrow and it's those long hours. Poor boy. But we didn't spend much time together.. Didn't talk nonsense and shared how our day have been. I love you boy. ❤ forever and always. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Boring Sunday!

Today's brother's birthday. Went long beach at Dempsey for late lunch, early dinner. So long since we last been there. Woke up by herman as usual. Slacked at home. Watch tv and use the comp, which I think is a total waste of time! But as bee got to work, there's no where to go to too. So this is how I spend my Sunday afternoon. And I've to spend my evening working. Sigh. Got to really work 365 days in a year. Be it long or short hours...

Friday, July 6, 2012


TGIF? Kind of. Free myself from boredom. Last day of work for the week! Work's alright but still I got nothing to do everyday. & I suspect my boss hire me to be a vase! I'm like rotting down here at my desk, falling asleep any minute. To the extent that I even have time to post entries on my blog which has already been so dead since I don't know when. So tiring I only can sit there staring in space doing nothing, just like a vase. The worst part is to keep myself awake! Love it when there's many many orders! Awesome! Haha.

After work i've to still work. Pathetic me. Sigh....
Anyway, I'm so free that I keep editing our photos and I'm actually quite pleased with it. :) there you go! Have a great weekends people! <3

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My life.

Oh! Babyboy and me, WE FINALLY OWN A COUPLE RING! Alright, today's the 4th day working at tuas! Finally I got a job and start work outside. Have always been my dream. But it's so boring at work that I almost fell asleep every single day at work till now. Perhaps it's just because I don't know anything and supervisor has to teach me that's why I'm always rotting as there isn't much things to do yet. Still have a lot to learn! New in this line, but doesn't seem bad. Picking up new things each day at work. Everyday after work, got to go back shop and work. It's a super tiring thing to do! It's as if i'm a robot. Hate it. Dread ending work so much due to this reason. Sigh. I think I'm better off going to India as a labour worker. How about that.

Anyway, 4th day of work and I'm here without lunch! :( pitiful. I'm so cold and hungry at work. Argh. Can't wait to end work. Bee's gonna bring me for dinner! <3 love this feeling! But the part where we can't meet as often as we used to in the past is saddening. Maybe we should be glad that before both of us start working, we spend almost everyday together! Luckily. :D

Here's some picture of my life! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Had a haircut with bee today! Went to chop off my hair and the hairstylist was professional. Didn't regret going there for a haircut. #shorthair her skills of washing hair was awesome, cause I don't usually like it when I go to the salon and they help me wash my hair but this time, I find it very comfortable. My head feels so light after a haircut! Feels like it bounces each time I take a step forward! :) great choice, didn't regret for the moment. I just hope I didn't chop it off due to my impulsiveness. It's just so me to act on impulsiveness. :/ alright! Time to go to bed, goodnight folks. <3

With Love,

Friday, March 16, 2012


Alright, so long since I posted something on my dead blog again! Life's currently so great with my beloved baby boy. ☺ though we can't meet up as often as before, I still love him. Like what people say, 一日不见,如隔三秋.. I miss him.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pre Monday blues!

Alright, I'm bored to the max, that I did my manicure and pedicure. Yay!!! I'm actually kind of excited for CNY. But yet again, not really. Cuz I've to work. :( so not much difference! Except that I can wear all my new pretty clothes! Wee~

I'm soooo lazy to pack my room. Anyone nice enough to help me clean? :/ hiack hiack hiack!! Maybe should leave my room as it is. Not many people will be coming anyway and they won't come into my room. Even if they do, it's just those few nephews of mine playing some pillow fight or something? Haha!

Boring day~ *o*